Canadian SPF is ideal for residential and commercial construction due to it's low cost and high strength to weight ratio.
Four species, White Spruce (Picea glauca), Engelmann Spruce (Pice aengelmannii), Lodgepole Pine (Pinus contorta), and Alpine Fir (Abies lasiocarpa) comprise the spruce-pine-fir species group. All yield high grade timber with relatively small, sound tight knots. Lumber produced from spruce-pine-fir Species is marketed together as SPF.
SPF lumber is currently used heavily in India - not only in interiors and door manufacturing industry- economy grade is also used in fillings, pallet making industry. Quality of wood is way different than what end user gets from Russia.
SPF has been used extensively in North America for structural applications in wood-frame construction – the construction method of choice for almost all single-family homes. And now, countries in Europe and Asia seeking economical and durable construction to replace aging or damaged housing or to house growing populations are looking to wood-frame construction and SPF for practical solutions.
Wood-frame construction most often takes place on site, but there are many cost and quality advantages to using premanufactured components such as trusses and walls. A number of Canadian manufacturers make prefabricated buildings and building components and SPF lumber is the primary building material of choice. Buildings and building components such as wall and roof panels can be compactly packed in containers and shipped economically.
Whether constructed on site of from premanufactured components, wood-frame construction is a fast, light, proven way of building houses, apartments and even commercial buildings. It is supported by a vast amount of research and testing to meet the most difficult climatic conditions. Wood-frame construction offers the following benefits:
Gill Timbers International Limited is supplying various grades and sizes of SPF in containers. SPRUCE and PINE logs are also available. We supply KD-HT lumber too for various usages in manufacturing. GILL TIMBERS is exporting SPF Lumber, SPRUCE, PINE and FIR logs from USA and Canada ports to China, India, Japan and Middle East. Send you your inquiry for volume based business in SPF lumber and logs - contact Mr. Ivon Gill at 1 604 832 0105